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 Claims Emergency

London Branch

+44 203 829 5858

Singapore Branch

+65 8683 3190

The claims response service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides immediate global assistance to all of our Members.

Calling the emergency contact number provides a quick and effective way to speak directly to a duty Shipowners’ claims handler in the event of an incident or casualty involving an entered vessel.

During office hours the emergency number will redirect to the relevant corresponding office switchboard.

Alternatively, Members can request assistance from our network of correspondents located around the world.


3 Dec 2020

Since 2014 the Club has experienced 17 yacht fire claims.

Of these claims, it was established that 10 were directly a result of an electrical fault, and 1 indirectly. These claims have the potential to demand a high quantum, with one such claim currently sitting at just under US$ 3 million. It is not just the financial implications of these incidents as yachts suffering from fire or smoke damage deprive their owner the use of their asset. This Podcast miniseries has been created to generate awareness surrounding the causes of yacht electrical fires and provide guidance from industry experts on how these incidents may be avoided.

Our guests each have different specialisms within the yacht industry, such as flag State, underwriting and surveying, offering a variety of different perspectives and opinions to the discussions. We hope that you find these podcasts informative and encourage further circulation of these materials to assist the common goal of mitigating incidents of this nature.

As always, the Loss Prevention team welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback.

Episode 1 – A Hull and Machinery Insurers’ view on yacht electrical fires – Charlie Cooper Loss Prevention Executive (Shipowners' Club), Sean Blue - Global Head of Watercraft (AIG) and Carl Lessard - Loss Prevention Executive (AIG).

Episode 2 - Common causes of yacht electrical fires – Charlie Cooper – Loss Prevention Executive (Shipowners' Club) and Anthony Beveridge – Staff Surveyor (AqualisBraemar).

Episode 3 – A flag State’s perspective on yacht electrical fires – Charlie Cooper – Loss Prevention Executive (Shipowners' Club) and Eduard Henny - flag State Surveyor (Cayman Islands Shipping Registry).

Episode 4 – Shipowners’ Club and yacht electrical fires - Charlie Cooper – Loss Prevention Executive, Nicola Kingman - Underwriting Manager of the Yacht Syndicate and Shev Algama – Yacht Claims Manager (Shipowners' Club).

To complement the podcasts the Club has produced additional material on this subject matter:

Yacht fire safety awareness while docked in a marina

Fire prevention on board ships

Case study: Fire hazard from leaking fuel supply