Turkey: Revised pollution fines 2022
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- Turkey: Revised pollution fines 2022
Further to the Club’s previous circular in February 2021, Turkey: Revised Pollution Fines, Members are advised that the fines for causing pollution have risen substantially by 36.2%. This is in accordance with the declaration by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation in Turkey, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 30 December 2021, numbered 31705.
The level of each fine is calculated according to the gross tonnage of the liable vessel and is irrespective of the amount of pollution. With effect from 1 January 2022, the amounts listed below apply when the fine is issued against ‘real persons’ (e.g., the Master) in rare instances where the authorities are unable to identify the owners or the vessel is owned by a private individual. In most cases, the below amounts will be trebled as the fine is issued directly against the ‘institution, organisation or business’ that owns the vessel.
Category 1 – pollution from tankers such as petroleum products.
- Up to 1000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: 901.56 Turkish lira per ton.
- Between 1000 and 5000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: an additional 225.40 Turkish lira per ton.
- Over 5000 Gross Tons: an additional 22.53 Turkish lira per ton.
Category 2 – pollution by dirty ballast by tankers.
- Up to 1000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: 164.26 Turkish lira per ton.
- Between 1000 and 5000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: an additional 32.77 Turkish lira per ton.
- Over 5000 Gross Tons: an additional 5.20 Turkish lira per ton.
Category 3 – pollution from ships/vessels and other sea vehicles such as petroleum products, fuel oil and other oil waste.
- Up to 1000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: 450.78 Turkish lira per ton.
- Between 1000 and 5000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: an additional 90.16 Turkish lira per ton.
- Over 5000 Gross Tons: an additional 22.53 Turkish lira per ton.
Category 4 – garbage and sewage discharged by ships/vessels and other sea vehicles.
- Up to 1000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: 225.40 Turkish lira per ton.
- Between 1000 and 5000 (inclusive) Gross Tons: an additional 45.08 Turkish lira per ton.
- Over 5000 Gross Tons: an additional 22.53 Turkish lira per ton.
Members should be aware that fines paid within 30 days of notification are reduced by 25%. The fines may be appealed during this period, though the prospects of success in appeal proceedings are low.
As advised in the Club’s 2019 circular, Pollution Fines in Turkey, there are steps Members can take to minimise their exposure. It is important to once again stress that Members should take prompt action to notify the authorities and the Club if a pollution incident occurs.
For further guidance, please contact the Club’s local correspondents or the Claims Department.