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 Claims Emergency

London Branch

+44 203 829 5858

Singapore Branch

+65 8683 3190

The claims response service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides immediate global assistance to all of our Members.

Calling the emergency contact number provides a quick and effective way to speak directly to a duty Shipowners’ claims handler in the event of an incident or casualty involving an entered vessel.

During office hours the emergency number will redirect to the relevant corresponding office switchboard.

Alternatively, Members can request assistance from our network of correspondents located around the world.


22 Jan 2018

In partnership with the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), the Club is releasing a series of Good Mental Health Guides to better mental wellbeing on board. The most recent release in the series provided seafarers with proactive Steps to Positive Mental Health.

The Steps to Positive Mental Health booklet includes specific strategies to tackle stress including an informative section on Mindfulness which explains how to use methods such as mindful breathing, to combat stress levels. To further enhance this initiative, the Club has issued an infographic which can be displayed on board to remind crew of mindful techniques for managing stress.