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 Claims Emergency

London Branch

+44 203 829 5858

Singapore Branch

+65 8683 3190

The claims response service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides immediate global assistance to all of our Members.

Calling the emergency contact number provides a quick and effective way to speak directly to a duty Shipowners’ claims handler in the event of an incident or casualty involving an entered vessel.

During office hours the emergency number will redirect to the relevant corresponding office switchboard.

Alternatively, Members can request assistance from our network of correspondents located around the world.


15 May 2015

Piracy attacks in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Straits of Malacca, have long been an issue for our Members.

Pirates in the area have been known to target coastal tankers, slow moving tugs and barges. Attacks often include the theft of entire cargoes of diesel and gas oil as well as the petty theft and, in extreme cases, kidnapping.

Investigations report that piracy attacks primarily take place during hours of darkness and entail pirates armed with light weapons gaining access to the vessel via the main deck. In some cases, the crew are overpowered and detained in locked rooms. In addition, communication and alarm systems have been destroyed or disarmed in and, in some cases, pirates have demonstrated proficiency in operating the vessel.

On Tankers, once the pirates have taken full operational control of the vessel, the cargo has been siphoned off to tankers or tank barges brought alongside. Occasionally the ship’s crew have been forced to assist the preparation and transfer of cargo.

Such incidents have taken place not only when the vessels are underway but also at anchorages. On completion of the ship-to-ship transfer, the pirates disembark the vessel, leaving the crew detained.

Members’ that have vessels trading in the region should adopt the necessary and appropriate anti-piracy measures to minimise exposure to the risk of piracy. Generally, pirates do not attempt to board ships that appear to be vigilant.


We recommend that our Members draw up and ensure satisfactory implementation of suitable anti-piracy measures. These measures could include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting voyage-specific risk assessments in respect to the precautionary measures in place and thereby evaluate the risk.
  • Planning passages with appropriate caution given to high-risk areas and avoiding transiting those areas during hours of darkness. The passage plans should be evaluated by the Master enroute and any detour/changes to the plan may be made as considered necessary by the Master to minimise the risk of the vessel being attacked.
  • Participation in reporting and routeing schemes and co-operation with Naval forces.  
  • Increasing position reporting from the vessel to the Member when transiting high risk areas.
  • Increasing watch keeping, lookouts and bridge manning.
  • Installing fire hoses (with fire pumps either running or on stand-by mode) on the ship sides, stern and any other vulnerable points.
  • Installing sufficient search lights on bridge wings and making regular use of those whilst transiting high risk areas.
  • Training Master and duty officers in suitable evasive manoeuvres.
  • Training ship staff in anti-piracy drills.
  • Installing razor/barbed wire or physical barriers around the stern and lowest points of access.

For further guidance, our Members may also refer to the following –

For more information or if you require further assistance, please contact the Loss Prevention team.