Liability insurance for fishing vessels
The Shipowners’ Club has long been associated with the insurance of fishing vessels. Our Members can be found fishing on lakes, rivers, coasts and oceans around the globe.
Fishing fleets the world over have been transformed in the course of the last few decades. Nowadays, larger boats travel further to satisfy their quota, technology has boosted the exploitation of diminishing supplies and fisheries management has become increasingly political. At the same time, fish farming has grown to provide a significant proportion of the world’s total fish supply. As operators large and small respond to this changing market, so too does the Shipowners’ Club by responding to the need for insurance cover to meet developing liabilities. We have created a plain language policy for fishing vessels, one of the most comprehensive insurances available.
Our Loss Prevention team works closely with Members to ensure awareness of issues such as fatigue or under-manning as well as the importance of constant vigilance in maintaining fishing gear and equipment to the highest standard. We work alongside our Members and their brokers to understand exactly what insurance is required and we will tailor it accordingly.
Our Members operate many types of fishing vessel, including: crayboats and lobsterboats, fish farm workboats, fishing support vessels, gillnetters, line boats, longliners, multi-purpose fishing vessels, seiners and trawlers.
In 2017, the Club signed up to the Insurance industry’s statement against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU Fishing).
* As at 31 December 2023
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