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 Claims Emergency

London Branch

+44 203 829 5858

Singapore Branch

+65 8683 3190

The claims response service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides immediate global assistance to all of our Members.

Calling the emergency contact number provides a quick and effective way to speak directly to a duty Shipowners’ claims handler in the event of an incident or casualty involving an entered vessel.

During office hours the emergency number will redirect to the relevant corresponding office switchboard.

Alternatively, Members can request assistance from our network of correspondents located around the world.


Reducing Members’ exposure to claims is central to the function of the Club’s Loss Prevention department (LPD). As part of this mandate the department seeks to proactively address areas of concern identified by the Club or within the industry.

The Club’s Condition Survey Programme (CSP) is a crucial tool to identify these concerns. The CSP has been used by the Club for over two decades and exists to ensure that vessels entered with the Club are in a condition that is of mutual benefit to all Members.

Over 400 vessels are surveyed annually by Club appointed surveyors. In 2023, the Club carried out 491 condition surveys on a variety of vessels worldwide.

Surveys undertaken in 2023







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risks identified

Top five defects*


Survey Questions Answered

Inspected Defect Percentage

Are there appropriate notices to warn the crew of the hazards associated with mooring operations including the entire mooring deck area being a snap back zone?**




Is the hull thickness gauging report available on board and if so, reviewed and found in order?**




Are the engine compartments including bilges, clean, tidy and free from combustible materials?**




Are all door sills marked with high visibility paint or otherwise clearly defined?**




Are decks nonslip in relevant areas?**




*Data from surveys undertaken between 01 January and 31 December 2023.

**Guidance available:  Snap back zones / Engine room bilges / Passenger safety / Yacht safety / Slip, trips and falls / Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement

In focus: Cyber Risk

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Cyber risk can be represented as a threat or vulnerability resulting from either a computer or software hack for the purpose of theft, disruption or damage.

Law firm Holman Fenwick Willan (HFW) and maritime cyber security company CyberOwl have conducted research* that reports the shipping industry remains an “easy target” for cyber criminals. The report notes:



the average cost to the target organisation of a Maritime cyber-attack in 2023; up 202% from 2022.

3.2 million


the average ransom paid in 2023; up 350% from 2022.

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Club Condition Surveys

Data from surveys undertaken in 2023 show that, where required**, Members have taken action to mitigate against cyber risk.


of 185 vessels used passwords to protect access to computers, Wi-Fi and networks. 


of 197 vessels had up to date anti-virus software installed. 


  • of 194 vessels monitored the usage of computers on board. 
  • of 189 vessels had means of performing system back-ups on a regular basis.
  • of 186 vessels had measures in place to prevent the transfer of viruses using external media.


of 171 vessels had cyber security procedures in place. 

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Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted Resolution MSC.428(98) affirming that an approved Safety Management System should take into account cyber risk management in accordance with the objectives and functional requirements of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.


pillars of protection for Cyber security:

Identify Protect | Detect

Respond | Recover


A string of three random words makes a strong, easy to remember password.


if something looks or seems suspicious.


* Global Industry Report: Shifting Tides, Rising Ransoms and Critical Decisions: Progress on maritime cyber risk management maturity - Cyber Owl Global Industry Report - The great disconnect: The state of maritime cyber risk management

** Where cyber security measures were a requirement, but were not found to be in place, defects were proactively raised to enable rectification.

Find more cyber security related resources here.

Meet the team

Ashish Acharya

Senior Loss Prevention Executive – Singapore

Tel: +65 6593 0667
Mob: +65 8683 5840
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Asyraf Amruddin

Loss Prevention Executive - Singapore

Tel: +65 6593 6729
Mob: +65 9873 6657
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Bhaskar Nigam

Head of Loss Prevention

Mob: +65 8500 9531
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Carri Woodburn

Senior Loss Prevention Executive

Mob: +44 7392081278
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Ian Grainger

Loss Prevention Manager - London

Mob: +44 7584 575198
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Jennifer Aw

Deputy Loss Prevention Executive – Singapore

Tel: +65 6593 0423
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Louise Hall

Director – Loss Prevention, Corporate Responsibility & Marketing

Mob: +44 7771 665655
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Richard Hackett

Loss Prevention Executive

Mob: +44 7407 100 305
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Takeisha Barrow

Loss Prevention Assistant

Tel: +44 207 423 7144
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